25. september 2014

English lesson today

Täna toimub järjekordne inglise keele tund, millest ma aga enam osa ei võta, sest minu aeg siin hakkab ümber saama, jäänud on täpselt nädal. Täna õhtul saabub Jaanus ja me suundume homme varahommikul Sitsiilia suunas- meil on ees suur avastusretk.

Kuna ma aga ei saa tänasest tunnist osa võtta, siis otsustasin teha "kodutöö" ja kirjutada neile natuke Eestist. Loodan hea hinde saada :)

Dear friends- Candice, Mariateresa and all my classmates!

Like you know, I can not take a part of today evening lesson. And I decided to write for you a short story about ESTONIA. I belive, you can discover something new and also you will learn some new words :)

Estonia is smallest of Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania). Capital sity is Tallinn. The territory of Estonia covers 45,227 km2, it´s all most like a two Sicily´s (25,662 km2) together. 
And if in Estonia lives 1.3 million people, then in Sicily lives 5,0 millions (x 2 = 10,0 millions), you can imagine, how many free space we are having :)

Estonian flag colors are: blue, black and white? If you ask why- the answer is there:
  • Blue like a hope and trust to the better future, also blue is color of faithfulness and sky,  
  • Black like a memory of estonians grim past, black are also our soil and bread, 
  • White like education and spirit of lighthonesty, and also snow and our lights nights by summertime. 
Yes, there are some things, you shoud know about Estonia:
  • Yes, we have a light nigjts in summer time. In the solstice time, at 24. june, the sun is racing at: 3:50 and sunset is at 22: 29, and our "5 h night time" is never get dark.
    But in solistice time in winter time
    (decembre) sunrice at 09:01 and sunset at 15:24.
  • Our winters are cold- allmost at -25° and lot of snow in january and february.
  • And Estonians love sauna. There is 80- 100° heat. And we love to jump naked into the snow :)
What estonians do there free time? It is short, 1 minute, video:

Yes, they dance and sing, they practice all years arround and once in four years the go to the Dance Selebration. 

And winter time they:

Welcome to Estonia!

I will send for you lot of hugs and kisses!

Terje :)

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